I've wanted to be an entrepreneur for as long as I can remember. And up until Merigold Candles, my previous businesses have not taken off. No matter the idea I just couldn't get my heart into it. With Merigold Candles I was dedicated to getting it off the ground and making it the one that STUCK.

What makes this business different? Why candles?
My idea for a candle business started when my mother-in-law unknowingly struck a cord when she walked into my home one morning and said, "your home always smells so amazing. It smells like you".
After that comment, it hit me, I could make candles! I've always been the ultimate consumer when it comes to candles and love shopping local. What I found was missing locally though, was a candle that fit my aesthetic AND was a scent I loved.
I made it my mission to find MY perfect scent for my first candle. It would be the prefect combination of amber, warmth, and sweetness, a.k.a. Merigold.
Now I didn't actually name my first scent Merigold because I fell in love with that word and it's meaning SO much I decided to name the company after it! (The scent I mentioned before is now called Honey Amber) And that's how Merigold Candles got it's name.

Merigold Candles is about finding YOUR perfect candle that looks good and smells even better.
That's what Merigold is to me; It's my perfect candle. It's a company I've poured my style and passion into, in the hopes I can help other people find their favorite scent.
Now, beyond the naming behind Merigold Candles the company stands for so much more.
Like I said earlier, I've always wanted to be an entrepreneur. I'm also an avid supporter of other women owned businesses. I identify as a woman owned business and know how challenging that can be.
Because of this, Merigold Candles collaborates often with and showcases other woman owned businesses. It is my dream to share what I have learned on my entrepreneurial journey as a woman owned business and one day fund other woman's dreams.
Till then, I will keep chugging along, building this business and my dream one candle at a time!
Till next time,
Courtney, Owner & Maker